April 22-23, 2016
The Teachers of 15 schools working in the diocese of Varanasi came together at Nav Sadhana Regional Pastoral Centre, Varanasi on April 22, 2016. The purpose of the training of the teachers is to make them more effective in communication skills in the class room, especially to the children, who are open, disposed, flexible, pliable, and who learn more from observing rather than listening. The Resource Person was Mr. Rajeevan Karal, ELT Consultant and former head of the Oxford University Press India. He is a competent Teacher Trainer in various levels of teaching. He dealt with them the following topics: English for Classroom Communication, Language for Starting and Ending a Lesson in English, Listening and Doing, Speaking, Blip Game, Shopping Game, and Fluent Speaking. The training was concluded on April 23 at 4.00 p.m. The participants had input session as well as practical exercises along with the digital material aids. They were quite happy about the training. The training was initiated by Most Rev. Eugene Joseph, Bishop of Varanasi and assisted by Oxford University Press of Lucknow. The participants were grateful to the Director and staff of Nav Sadhana for their joyous hospitality and blissful stay free from the family woes and worries.