


July 14-15, 2016


Re-evaluation, Renewal and Revisiting of the Catechetical Activities of the Diocese of Varanasi was done with the guidance of Most Rev. Eugene Joseph, Bishop of Varanasi and initiated, animated by Rev.Fr. Panneer Selvam, National Executive Secretary, CCBI Commission for Proclamation and Evangelization at Nav Sadhana from July 14 to 15, 2016. He analyzed the Apostolic Exhortation, AMORIS LAETITIA, The Joy of Love, and stated that this document is the Gospel of Family; it aims at formation and motivation of laity in the family, as His Holiness Pope Francis wishes missionaries to reach out to the families. It stresses family love, spousal love, sacramental love, care for the children, social and spiritual responsibility towards children, experiences and challenges in family life, finally the spirituality of marriage and family.  Family is the domestic church and called to witness to the Lord Jesus Christ, which entails praying together, listening to the Word of God together and involving in the activities of the Church. Family is also sign of mercy of God. He further enlightened how the Lord Jesus is the face of mercy (Misericordiae Vultus) of the Father. He elucidated the corporal works of mercy such as to feed the hungry, to give drink to thirst, to clothe the naked, to welcome the stranger, to heal the sick, to visit the prisoner and to bury the dead as well as the spiritual works of mercy such as to counsel the doubtful, to instruct the ignorance, to admonish the sinners, to comfort the afflicted, to forgive offences, to bear patiently those who do evil and to pray for the living and the dead. At the final session there was Eucharistic adoration in view of sending all on mission. All returned with a happy memory of a fruitful missionary meeting.

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