


DEC. 18-19, 2012

                          A grass root social activist, parish priest and theologian, Rev.Fr. Leo Sequeira, preached on Faith and Incarnation to the priests of the diocese of Varanasi on Dec. 18, 2012. He stated that experience, reflection and living of faith are important in priestly life. Incarnation is God becoming human to live in solidarity with humans realized in the Lord Jesus Christ. He further explained that for a good confession HOW is important: Humility, Openness and Willingness. Then the grace of God touches heart; rationalization or trivialization of sin is not good. We commit sin by action and attitude; there is sin of weakness and wickedness, the latter is more dangerous for the harmonious life and priestly life.  On the next day Most Rev.Raphy Manjaly offered the Eucharist and shared his reflection on annunciation. Every message that is heard internally and repeatedly as well as conscientiously is the annunciation as experienced by St.Joseph, St. Zachariah and Manoah in the Bible. The priests have also shared their views, opinions, concerns regarding pastoral work, evangelization and new, innovative endeavour for the weal and welfare of the Christian community and human community in the clergy meeting.